
Need help?

Write me a message, I’ll get back to you as I’m able to.

Want to send feedback?

Tap on the “send feedback” button on the setting page within the app to send feedback. Alternatively, you can email tinycactusapps@gmail.com.

Frequently Asked Questions

Who made this?

This app was lovingly made by Nadia Barbosa, just for fun.

Will you add X feature?

Maybe? I work full time, so any work on this app happens on the side. If you have a good idea, send me message.

However, note that I purposely made this app to be as simplified as possible. I was tired of seeing other weightlifting tracker apps that required me to have a monthly subscription or were bloated with tons of additional features I didn’t care for, so if your desire falls beyond that scope, I probably wont do it. But I’d love to hear from you anyways!

What’s your favorite lift?

The power clean.